
Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"

A Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Chemistry

Two manuscripts in French bound in one volume entitled: "Essai sur les fers coules Pour le Roy" and "Memoire sur la fonte et la Moulage des Bombes "

Principles of Mechanics by George Adams

Typescript copy of 'Anson's list of H.M. Royal Navy 1747-1750'

A Description of the Pneumatic Apparatus made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty

Page 3 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

Cover page of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Copies of acquittances

Articles of agreement between John Claxton, Jacob Harrison and Thomas Raisbeck

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Legal document granting John Stapylton Raisbeck authority to take oaths in various counties in Durham, York, Kingston Upon Hull and Newcastle Upon Tyne

Petition of John Stapylton Raisbeck

A Description of an Apparatus for explaining the Principles of Mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty

Instructions to the illustrator of 'A description of an apparatus for explaining the principles of mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams'

Indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

Handwritten copy of 'Mr Rob.t Whitworth’s report to the gentlemen of the committee at their meeting this day 24th Octo.r 1768'

Deed of admittance

Page 1 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

Page 4 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

Page 2 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Act for better regulation of attorneys and solicitors

Legal document granting John Stapylton Raisbeck authority to take oaths in various counties in County Durham, York, Kingston upon Hull and Cumbria

Pamphlet entitled ‘The Report of Mess. Brindley and Whitworth, engineers, concerning the practicability and expence [sic] of making a navigable canal, from Stockton by Darlington to Winston in the county of Durham'


Volume entitled: "A Course of Experimental Philosophy by S Triboudet Demainbray in the year 1755"

Volume I (pp.1-469) covers lectures 1 to mid-45; volume II (pp.470-911) covers lectures mid-45 to 86.

Volumes with manuscript transcripts of Joseph Black's chemistry lectures at Edinburgh University


Letter from Joseph Priestley to Emanuel da Costa


Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Mr. W. Boulton


Letter from Robert Newton to Miss Offley


An account of an horizontal top or whirling speculum, invented by Mr Serson


Pamphlet entitled: "Receipt for preparing and compounding the principle medicines made use of by the late Mr Ward"


Broadsheet: Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department, in the same words as the original; but with the articles transposed, and marginal titles, supplemental titles, and remarks added

A collection of glass lantern slides capturing the development of flight from an early set of images from the 1909 aviation meeting held at Reims, France through to images of aircraft from Imperial Airways and flying boats in the late Thirties.

The History of Aircraft and Flying


'An Explanation of the Pendulum Bucket Engine, invented & executed in a Working Model'

3 volumes

Boulton and Fothergill letter books


Receipted bill, in sum of £5-15-6, for 'A Martin new Universal Compound Microscope ...' bought by Joseph Priestley from Benjamin Martin


"A description of the Pneumatick Apparatus Made for his Majesty King George III Anno Domini 1761 By George Adams in Fleet Street, London"


Instructions to the illustrator of 'A description of the pneumatic apparatus made by George Adams in Fleet Street, London, 1761'


The St James's Chronicle; or, The British Evening-Post


Certificate from Joseph Warner to Samuel Hilles


Letter from Nevil Maskelyne to Peter Dolland at St Paul's Churchyard


Letter from John Dalton to his cousin George Bewley

4 sheets

Architectural drawings: Military buildings at St. Venant in north-east France

3 sheets

French technical drawings of surveying instrument

2 pages on 1 sheet

Broadsheet: Some Considerations showing that the Importation of Iron from America will sooner put a stop to the making of Iron in England than to the Importation of Iron from Sweden and Russia

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'


Letterpress handbill entitled: "Proposals for Erecting (By Subscription) an Engine, To be Work't by a Horse which will be Capable to Shave Sixty Men a Minuet, also Oyl, Comb and Powder their Wigs."


Letter from Josiah Wedgwood to Matthew Boulton